Posts tagged direct message
The Power of the DM

DM (Direct Message) = Engagement. And, Engagement is the Goal! Always the goal. Instagram rewards engagement. But, beyond that DMs create brand awareness and creates loyalty. Whenever you allow a personal touch it helps. It’s like a warming up for leads. You are creating connections, which leads ot sales and/or referrals, all great things.

DM is key, when done right.

Want to warm up leads from your Ideal Client? Try responding on their profile, likes, and comments (longer than 4 words, emojis don’t count) then send a message WITHOUT selling. Ask about them! Build a relationship. This is not a short term sales goal this is a long game to turn a cold lead into a warm lead and find out if they are your ICA.

Not sure how to DM? There’s more than 1 way to DM!

  1. Normal/Typical - Send/Respond Text or Voice Messages (up to 1 minute)

  2. Photo - Camera Roll or taken directly in DMs

  3. Video (up to 15 seconds) - Great connection, when people can see your eyes and enthusiasm, but gotta keep it short since it’s only in 15 sec. segments.

  4. Video Chat/Calling

  5. Group Chats

  6. From Stories (place a question or whatnot that warrants a response and respond!) *This is also a great way if you live in a country that prohibits DM cold calling.

No matter what way you do it, just remember, BE AUTHENTIC! BE YOU! Don’t just slide in and sell, build some trust by being yourself! Create relationships and real brand awareness and brand loyalty with a personal connection. Remember, practice makes perfect! Feel free to DM me.

The DM.png